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    Harvest: This verb means to remove the honeycombs of the beehive. Other terms also used such as extract or remove the honey from the honeycombs.
    Hive body or honey super: The hive body is named brood chamber, with its respective floor and roof, if no extracting supers have been added to the hive. This term indicates that the colony’s baby bees’ nest is inside.
    Hive stand: The hive stand is a board with a rim around the sides and the back of the hive body. It is usually made of hard or semi-hard wood.
    Honey supers: They refer to the boxes filled with frames or honeycombs where the honey made by the bees is stored.
    Honey: This term refers to a sweet natural substance produced by honeybees from the nectar of flowers or secretions of living parts of plants or excretions of plant-sucking insects (honeydew).
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    Web page created by: Escuela Taller de Comercio Eletrónico de las Medianías de Gran Canaria "Virtualmed"