The Region of the Medium-Heights of Gran Canaria
This Region is made up by the municipal districts of Valsequillo de Gran Canaria, Tejeda, Vega de San Mateo and Villa de Santa Brigida, grouped in la Mancomunidad de Municipios de las Medianías de Gran Canaria (MMMGC) (the Association of Municipalities of the Medium-Heights of Gran Canaria), promoting Institution of this project.
The Medium-Heights cover a wide territory of 204,45 km2, distributed in three differentiated areas orientated towards North-East, East and West, with altitudes ranging between 375m. and the 1,950m. maximum height of Gran Canaria island.
The local geography shows five types of weather and 32 natural areas of high value including an outstanding ecological diversity in which, there are 22 vegetable species in danger of extinction, giving rise to varied and picturesque landscapes which comprise a fragmented and heterogeneous space. It is this singularity what makes possible in the Region of the Medium-Heights, a wide variety of agricultural and livestock products.
Copyright ©2011
Web page created by: Escuela Taller de Comercio Eletrónico de las Medianías de Gran Canaria "Virtualmed"